Loving My Pain Free Life
About Me
Loving My Pain Free Life

My name is Melinda Johnson and I suffered with foot pain for many years. I went to see a podiatrist and after an examination, I was told that I had heel spur syndrome. I followed the recommendations of my doctor by doing at home treatments along with physical therapy. I was amazed at how much these treatments helped my foot pain. Living with pain can have a big impact on your life and that's why I started this blog. My foot pain kept me from doing many things that I enjoy and I want to help others who are going through the same situation. As you browse through my blog, you'll learn about home treatments, medical procedures and new advancements in medicine that can help reduce pain. It is my hope that by writing this blog, you can live pain free too.


Loving My Pain Free Life

Reversing The Hold Alcohol Has Over You

Claire Roberts

If you have a problem with alcohol, you may feel powerless over it. However the truth is, just as you started the sequence of events that resulted in addiction, you can rewind and unbind yourself from the tyranny of its hold over you.

How to Start an Addiction

Since alcoholism is a mental and physical addiction, it has the same features as any other chemical addiction. Alcohol has substances in it that cause physical changes and sets off a whole cascade of reactions in your brain and the rest of your body. You begin to tolerate it in ever increasing amounts, so when you shut off the spout, your body will go into withdrawals.

This addiction begins when you begin drinking regularly. You will develop a set of habitual actions that go along with drinking, and start being sensitive to cues and triggers that will be constantly associated with the release found in it. You quit dealing with difficult thoughts, emotions, and situations because you have developed your own personal escape route.

But then, you wake up, and realize it's all been a mirage and all those issues are still there, only compounded by your addiction.

How to End an Addiction

To end this addiction, you will have to suffer through the physical withdrawals and your doctor may be able to help you with that. The mental addiction will take more work, and it takes changing your environment. If your alcoholism is warrants it, it may require checking into an inpatient rehab facility and this provides a safe, supportive place to unravel your addiction.

As a part of your therapy, you will be encouraged to examine the life you led before, and face the emotions you were hiding from. You will find acknowledging them and finding more healthy ways to cope, feels much better than hiding from them.

You will also be asked to describe your former environment and identify the cues that trigger your drinking. This is a very important part of your recovery, because when you leave rehab, you will be faced with at least some of them again, so you need to develop new ways of responding to these stimuli. You may choose to avoid certain people or places as a protective measure, but some things may not be avoided entirely due to work or family connections, etc., so you will need to be prepared.

What to Call Yourself Afterwards

To maintain your sobriety, you may choose to attend 12-step meetings, or other groups sessions, for continuing support. It can be very fulfilling to help others attain sobriety, through sharing your story, and by being a sponsor. If you have mental health issues that you were self-medicating with alcohol for, you should seek continuing psychiatric help for appropriate therapy and relief.

The words "alcoholism" and "alcoholic" are just shorthand for a condition that kept you imprisoned. After treatment and rehabilitation, if you call yourself anything at all, call yourself "Free." To learn more, contact a company like Bridgeway Recovery Services Inc. with any questions you have.
