Loving My Pain Free Life
About Me
Loving My Pain Free Life

My name is Melinda Johnson and I suffered with foot pain for many years. I went to see a podiatrist and after an examination, I was told that I had heel spur syndrome. I followed the recommendations of my doctor by doing at home treatments along with physical therapy. I was amazed at how much these treatments helped my foot pain. Living with pain can have a big impact on your life and that's why I started this blog. My foot pain kept me from doing many things that I enjoy and I want to help others who are going through the same situation. As you browse through my blog, you'll learn about home treatments, medical procedures and new advancements in medicine that can help reduce pain. It is my hope that by writing this blog, you can live pain free too.


Loving My Pain Free Life

Common Questions Patients Have Before Transcranial Magnetic Therapy

Claire Roberts

Transcranial magnetic therapy is becoming more and more common in the psychiatric world. It's a non-invasive treatment, and it tends to work for patients who do not respond as well to traditional anti-depressants and psychiatric meds. Still, since this therapy does look a bit strange — you put a magnetic cap on your head — you might have a few questions before you jump in and undergo treatment. Hopefully you discover the answers to those questions below.

How do magnets affect your brain activity?   

You may have heard of people using magnet therapy on their injured body parts. This is a sort of alternative treatment that there's not a lot of evidence to back up. So, you may be worried that using magnets on your brain for depression falls into the same category. It doesn't. There is a lot more basis for how transcranial magnetic therapy actually works. Your brain cells work by sending electrical impulses to one another. If you bring a strong enough magnetic field close to your head, it will affect how those impulses are released. This is how TM therapy works. The cap you wear creates a magnetic field, which alters your brain activity in a way that typically has a lasting, positive impact on your mood.

Will TM therapy hurt? 

No, this is not a painful treatment. Some people do feel a sort of dull headache either during the treatment or afterward, but this fades quickly. If you feel the need, you can take a dose of ibuprofen to thwart it.  The only other discomfort may be minor skin irritation from wearing the cap, but most patients don't even experience that problem.

Can TM therapy help with multiple and complex diagnoses?

Yes. In fact, that's one instance in which it is commonly used. It can be hard to treat depression when it is diagnosed alongside other conditions like anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or addiction. TM therapy can be helpful for all of these conditions, including depression. Your practitioner won't be trying to tease out which symptoms are due to which disorder. They won't have to worry about competing side effects, either. 

If your doctor has recommended trying TM therapy for your depression, give it a go. This non-invasive treatment causes few to no side effects, and most people experience a lot of relief from one or two treatments. There's little risk in undergoing a session or two to see how you react. 
