Loving My Pain Free Life
About Me
Loving My Pain Free Life

My name is Melinda Johnson and I suffered with foot pain for many years. I went to see a podiatrist and after an examination, I was told that I had heel spur syndrome. I followed the recommendations of my doctor by doing at home treatments along with physical therapy. I was amazed at how much these treatments helped my foot pain. Living with pain can have a big impact on your life and that's why I started this blog. My foot pain kept me from doing many things that I enjoy and I want to help others who are going through the same situation. As you browse through my blog, you'll learn about home treatments, medical procedures and new advancements in medicine that can help reduce pain. It is my hope that by writing this blog, you can live pain free too.


Loving My Pain Free Life

Group Therapy Can Help Extroverts Manage Social Anxiety

Claire Roberts

Social anxiety makes life difficult for those it affects and can linger for many years without warning. Some people may even become incredibly sheltered and avoid contact, even if they have an extroverted personality that enjoys interacting with others. Thankfully, group therapy can help them better treat their anxiety and increase their contact with others.

The Benefits of Group Therapy When Treating Social Anxiety 

People with social anxiety may struggle to leave their homes or interact with people outside a limited base. For extroverted people, this lack of human contact may be hard to tolerate. Thankfully, group therapy can help them through this difficulty and make it easier to connect with others. Regularly attending group therapy can help them:

  • Understand Their Anxiety: Extroverted people who suddenly develop social anxiety may not understand this significant change. Thankfully, group therapy can help them work through their fears with others. Often, their group partners have insights that can help them.
  • Learn Better Coping Mechanisms: Overcoming social anxiety often requires learning coping mechanisms for these fears. In group therapy, extroverts can practice these strategies in real-time, such as mastering meditation and other unique treatments. In this way, they can avoid the pressures of social anxiety and feel better about interacting with others. It can also help them in more challenging situations, such as finding new jobs.
  • Interact With Others Positively: Some extroverted people may develop social anxiety after negative interactions with other people. Thankfully, group therapy provides a positive environment where they can work with others on their fears. Often, people in group therapy develop a deep understanding of each other that develops into real friendships. This experience often helps extroverted people regain their social confidence.

Group therapy works particularly well for social anxiety because it forces individuals to interact with others. It takes that person out of their comfort zone and makes them confront their fear. That's a critical step because it can force them to understand better why they struggle around others and even help them make new friendships with people in therapy.

When to Consider Group Therapy for Social Anxiety

Extroverted people with social anxiety may find group therapy beneficial when they struggle to make friends in a new area. It may also work well for people trying to expand their social network. Some individuals in group therapy become friends outside of treatment and build long-lasting bonds that enhance their life and make their recovery easier. 

Reach out to a local therapist to learn more about group treatment.
