Loving My Pain Free Life
About Me
Loving My Pain Free Life

My name is Melinda Johnson and I suffered with foot pain for many years. I went to see a podiatrist and after an examination, I was told that I had heel spur syndrome. I followed the recommendations of my doctor by doing at home treatments along with physical therapy. I was amazed at how much these treatments helped my foot pain. Living with pain can have a big impact on your life and that's why I started this blog. My foot pain kept me from doing many things that I enjoy and I want to help others who are going through the same situation. As you browse through my blog, you'll learn about home treatments, medical procedures and new advancements in medicine that can help reduce pain. It is my hope that by writing this blog, you can live pain free too.


Loving My Pain Free Life

  • What To Do If You Have Plantar Fasciitis Pain

    27 July 2017

    If you have pain in your heel (one or both) while resting after a day of walking or being on your feet, or feel pain when first standing up in the morning, you could have plantar fasciitis. This occurs when the stretchy band in your foot that connects your toes to your heel bone stretches too far, or has small tears or rips in it. There are a number of reasons why you could get plantar fasciitis including high arches, failure to stretch, poorly fitting shoes, or wearing shoes without proper arch support.

  • A Look At Thai Yoga Massage And How It Might Benefit You

    11 July 2017

    If you're looking for a different way to experience massage therapy, then you should try Thai yoga massage. It provides the same benefits of a traditional massage, but it is performed in a different way. Here's a look at this type of massage and how it can benefit you: The Active Massage Is Performed On A Mat Rather than taking a passive massage on a table, you'll actively participate in a Thai yoga massage.

  • Guidelines To Make The Most Of Your Foot Health

    28 February 2017

    When you want to keep your foot health on par a way that lets you stay comfortable and pain free, there are a variety of steps that will be useful. For instance, you will need to look into some therapies that can help your foot health, find the help of a professional podiatrist who can give you service and always eat in a way that is great for your foot health.

  • 5 Expectations You Should Have Post-Rehab

    27 January 2017

    Anybody who has been to a rehabilitation program for drug addiction knows that the struggle does not end simply because rehab is over. It can actually take quite a while before you feel "normal," even if your mind and body are free of substances. When you enter rehab, it is important to remember that there will be plenty of work you need to do even after you leave. Your journey is not over after rehab, and that's a good thing.

  • Need Temporary In-Home Health Care For Your Immobilized Child? What Should You Consider?

    20 January 2017

    If your young child has suffered a temporary health setback—whether paralysis caused by Lyme Disease or Guillain-Barre Virus (GBV) or immobility caused by a broken pelvis or fractured spine—that has left him or her unable to walk and perform personal care tasks, you may be wondering whether you'll need to quit your job or take an extended, unpaid leave of absence to care for your child around the clock. Even if you're eligible to take time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) without fear of losing your job, you may worry how you'll be able to manage financially, especially when medical bills begin to roll in.